Carboxy CO2 Facial Treatment
What are benefits / advantages of Carboxy CO2 Facial?
Carboxy CO2 Facial is a treatment that infuses gas CO2 into the skin to increased oxygen flow.
Are there are any side effects / sensations that you can experience while having the treatment?
You may experience a tingling sensation, this is a normal reaction caused by the reaction of CO2 and oxygen. The sensitivity level is different for each individual.
Your skin can go red after the treatment, this is a normal reaction caused by increased blood circulation. Your skin will recover back to your normal skin within 30 minutes after splashing your face slightly with warm water.
How often should you have the treatment?
It is recommended to have 1 – 10 treatments over a maximum period of 6 months depending on your age.
You can have 1 – 2 treatments done a week.
How long does the result of a course of treatments last?
Upon completion of a series of treatments that have been recommended in the time frame prescribe, the appearance can last up to approximately 5 - 6 months. This is also entirely unique to each individual.
Do you need to have maintenance treatments done?
It is recommended to have quarterly treatments to maintain your results.
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